2018-01-24 10:22 PM
Hey there,
We are working with NUCLEO-F401RE board and are looking forward to interface the imu sensor by Bosch (BMI 160) which contains gyro + accelerometer. wanted to know if there is a sensor fusion library for this particular sensor in ST that would help us combine the gyro as well as accel outputs for getting the orientation.
If not, can we use sensor fusion library for the MEMS by ST with BMI 160 ?
Thank You,
Yamini Patel
2018-02-04 07:47 AM
As the
states, it supports only motion sensors from ST, specifically the ones placed on Nucleo expansion boards:LIS3MDL and LSM6DS0 for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 and LSM303AGR and LSM6DSL for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2
I am not sure, whether the licence permits usage with other than ST parts, so check that, please. I haven't used the code myself, but I guess it could work if you provide the same low level data from BMI 160 as it came from another sensor. ST sensors generally use 16 bit signed output values in 2nd complement format. You will have to dig into the code.
2018-02-06 01:13 PM
Here is the Software license agreement
for usage of our libraries. Basicaly you can use the library if you are usign microcontroller or sensors produced by STMicroelectronics.The sensor fusion library is not dependent on particular sensors, it needs only acceleration, angular rate (and magnetic field) data and proper configuration of course. How you get these data is up to you.
2018-02-06 10:29 PM
Thanks for the reply.