2020-01-16 9:42 AM
The LSM6DSOX offers a MLC that calculates powerful features like mean, variance, energy, etc.
I did not see a way to just read them from an application processor and use them in my own application. Is it possible to access the results of the feature calculation outside the MLC?
2020-01-23 8:05 AM
Hi @DWind.1 , unfortunately the intermediate step calculations of the FSM/MLC blocks are not, in general, available at device memory level: I mean, for examples, that if you set features like mean, st dev, etc, they are not written in memory, as shown in the block diagram below: they cannot be directly accessed by the digital interface I2C or SPI...
However... Do you have power consumption limitation or application processor resources limitation for your request? If not, you can of course calculate the features at application processor level: the mathematical definitions of these features can be found in AN5259 p.10 and sgg.