2021-04-15 11:29 PM
I am writing a code to initialize the BMI055 IMU on my STM32F765. To do so I am using the HAL libraries to enable the SPI connection through DMA and the drivers provided by Bosch: bma2x2 and bmg160.
The two sensors work perfectly when only one of the two is enabled, but together they don't work.
// Init Gyro
int32_t bmg160_sensor_init(void)
com_rslt_2 = bmg160_init(&bmg160);
com_rslt_2 += bmg160_set_power_mode(BMG160_MODE_NORMAL);
v_bw_u8 = C_BMG160_BW_230HZ_U8X; /* set gyro bandwidth of 230Hz*/
com_rslt_2 += bmg160_set_bw(v_bw_u8);
/* This API used to read back the written value of bandwidth for gyro*/
com_rslt_2 += bmg160_get_bw(&v_gyro_value_u8);
bmg160_set_intr_output_type(BMG160_INTR1, 0);
// 1. Interrupt on Data is on INT1 or INT2 on register 0x18
com_rslt_2 += bmg160_set_intr_data(0, BMG160_ENABLE);
// 2. Set the interrupt mode to new-data on register 0x15
com_rslt_2 += bmg160_set_data_enable(BMG160_ENABLE);
return com_rslt_2;
// Init Accelerometer
int32_t bma2x2_sensor_init(void)
com_rslt = bma2x2_init(&bma2x2);
com_rslt += bma2x2_set_power_mode(BMA2x2_MODE_NORMAL);
/* This API used to read back the written value of bandwidth*/
com_rslt += bma2x2_get_bw(&banwid);
// Set source to new-data
com_rslt += bma2x2_set_source(5, 0x01);
// Set register 0x19 to INT1 in new-data
com_rslt += bma2x2_set_new_data(0, 0x01);
// Enable interrupt for new-data
com_rslt += bma2x2_set_intr_enable(BMA2x2_DATA_ENABLE, 0x01);
return com_rslt;
The transmit and receive is similar for the accelerometer (chip select: PG10) and the gyroscope (chip select: PF4):
s8 BMA2x2_SPI_bus_write(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8* reg_data, u8 cnt)
s32 iError = BMA2x2_INIT_VALUE;
u8 array[SPI_BUFFER_LEN * 2];
u8 stringpos = BMA2x2_INIT_VALUE;
for (stringpos = BMA2x2_INIT_VALUE; stringpos < cnt; stringpos++)
array[stringpos * 2] = (reg_addr++) & BMA2x2_SPI_BUS_WRITE_CONTROL_BYTE;
array[stringpos * 2 + BMA2x2_BUS_READ_WRITE_ARRAY_INDEX]
= *(reg_data + stringpos);
iError = HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(&hspi1, array, cnt * 2);
while (HAL_SPI_GetState(&hspi1) != HAL_SPI_STATE_READY)
return (s8) iError;
s8 BMA2x2_SPI_bus_read(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8* reg_data, u8 cnt)
s32 iError = BMA2x2_INIT_VALUE;
u8 array[SPI_BUFFER_LEN] = { 0xFF };
u8 stringpos;
/* For the SPI mode only 7 bits of register addresses are used.
The MSB of register address is declared the bit what functionality it is
read/write (read as 1/write as 0)*/
iError = HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA(&hspi1, array, cnt + 1);
while (HAL_SPI_GetState(&hspi1) != HAL_SPI_STATE_READY)
for (stringpos = BMA2x2_INIT_VALUE; stringpos < cnt; stringpos++)
*(reg_data + stringpos)
= array[stringpos + BMA2x2_BUS_READ_WRITE_ARRAY_INDEX];
return (s8) iError;
For brevity, I'm not writing here also the gpio initialization, the spi etc. However, when only one sensor is enabled, everything works. When together, problems start at the initialization level: I can't read back for example a proper bandwidth for one of the two sensors.
I'm not sure if the problem is at the sensor level (so the way I am initializing the peripherals) or at the microcontroller level (maybe some errors in the spi initialization, etc).
I hope someone can help to find the problem.
NOTE: The code posted shows this series of events:
But I've also tried:
but nothing changed.
Thanks in advance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-04-21 8:45 AM
Hi Elon, that would be fantastic. Right now I'm trying to make it work but without success. I would really appreciate it if you can share your solution.
2021-04-21 8:50 AM
You can write me your address in the private message (top right of the page), so that we can send you the tool.
2021-04-21 8:59 AM
you mean the software right?
2021-04-21 9:20 AM
The whole setup, indeed :)