2020-07-06 8:50 PM
Dear Sir,
I am engineering in company who is designing the Autonomous Guided Vehicle. We are planning to use LSM6DS3 IMU for navigation of vehicle. Would you please tell me how much accuracy to compute the yaw angle can be obtained using LSM6DS3? I could not find such information in data sheet of LSM6DS3.
Thanks so much
2020-07-07 5:43 AM
Hi @MHass.1 , since the gyro is measuring the angular velocity, the accuracy in the calculated (yaw) angle depends not only from the sensor itself but also on the integration algorithm. For this reason, it's important to consider apart from the angular rate accuracy (datasheet value: 1 LSB = 4.375 mdps for FS = +-125dps), at least the zero rate level contribution (in the range of typ ±10 dps form datasheet), that can be compensated via SW in case it is different from 0 dps. In general, at least part of the contributions from the AVAR (Allan variance) curve should be taken into account: the AVAR is measured on a limited set of samples, this is why is not at datasheet. I can however tell you that the ARW (angle random walk) parameter is about 0.45 deg/sqrt(hr) avg on the 3 axis and the BI (bias instability) parameter is about 11 deg/hr. Regards