2020-05-13 08:11 PM
但使用上有一些�?題想請教 :
1. 壓力讀�?��?�?�為28H 29H 2AH, 溫度讀�?��?�?�為 2B 2C, 但壓力�?測出來的數值為35~FFH �?3EH�? 09H.
數值經�?�算�?符�?�壓力數值, 溫度也是相�?�的�??應.請�?�?如何解決 ?
以上是10進�?顯示,由左至�?�分別為28H 29H 2AH資料
2. 本人是使用I2C通訊的方�?,請�?是�?�需�?�?始化LPS22H來設定�?�數?有的話請�??供�?�數
3. 本人是使用microchip MCU進行通訊的,通訊上需�?上拉電阻, 請�?阻值多少?
2020-05-13 11:27 PM
Hi @Dennis , which uC are you using as a master for the LPS22HH? Did you correctly configured the sensor for the pressure reading? I suggest you to check your code with the C drivers on Github repository for the general sensor configuration for the data polling (LINK) and in particular for the pressure data conversion from int32 LSB to hPa:
* @defgroup LPS22HH_Sensitivity
* @brief These functions convert raw-data into engineering units.
* @{
float_t lps22hh_from_lsb_to_hpa(int32_t lsb)
return ( (float_t) lsb / 4096.0f );
float_t lps22hh_from_lsb_to_celsius(int16_t lsb)
return ( (float_t) lsb / 100.0f );