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WiFi Module Not Connecting

Kyle Yu
Posted on May 16, 2017 at 15:38


I am using the STM32 Nucleo Expansion Board WiFi Module for a project. I followed the Quick Start Guide and tried to run the HTTP_Request example project. However, after asking for the SSID, password and encryption mode, the terminal does not ask for the Hostname nor connect to the WiFi as shown in the guide. I have followed all the setup steps and updated the firmware, so I don't understand why it is not connecting. 

Does someone know what is wrong or had similar problems?


Mridupawan Das
Associate II
Posted on May 18, 2017 at 09:48


can you specify which Nucleo and X-Nucleo board you are using?

you need to enable specific macros correctly in the HTTP_Request\Inc\wifi_conf.h file.

by default in the release v3.0.1, the build is for SPWF04 and SPI interface.


Martin B.
Posted on July 05, 2017 at 23:04


I have the same problem!

nucleo L476RG with SPWF04 expension board release v3.0.2 and STM32 workbench

I can enter the ssid (but not always) and when I enter the PW the programm stop running (not always but mostly).

Also I cannot debug the code in this functions (WiFi_Status_t wifi_get_AP_settings(void))

SPWF04 is defined in wifi_conf.h (#define SPWF04)

It seems like the scanf doesn't work proper.



p.s. here is a log from the terminal window

*                                                      *<\n><\r>

 * X-CUBE-WIFI1 Expansion Software v3.0.2               *<\n><\r>

 * X-NUCLEO-IDW0xx1 Wi-Fi Mini-AP Configuration.        *<\n><\r>

 * HTTP-Request Example                                 *<\n><\r>

 *                                                      *<\n><\r>


<\n>Do you want to setup SSID?(y/n):y<\n><\r>

<\n>Enter the SSID:STM<\n><\r>

<\n>cnt: 1<\r>

<\n>entered =STM<\r>

<\n>Enter the password:stmwifi