2016-07-22 12:46 AM
I was developing a Bluetooth featured product and I was interested in the ST's BlueNRG+STM32L1xx solution. The throughput performance of the Bluetooth would be crucial, since it would be used for large files transfering sometimes. But I couldn't find any performance data about the BlueNRG Bluetooth. I want to know about the actual maximum data sending/receiving rate of this Bluetooth solution. Is there anyone could help me? Regards. #bluenrg-performance2016-07-22 11:56 AM
I have a similar question but slightly different: How fast can I get a block of data from BlurNRG to a remote device?
It turns out there are several different factors in the answer. One thing is Bluetooth itself with its various transport methods. Is standard ACL data enough? Of can you fit little chunks into characteristics and send data that way? And what can the other end handle? If you are talking to an Android device, what can their protocol stack handle? So many sides to the question.2016-12-13 1:20 AM
A good article on the subject.