2014-10-02 3:49 PM
What's the max bps/symbol-rate for SPWF01SA/SPWF01SC? thx #data-rate #symbol-rate #bps2014-11-19 7:36 PM
sorry for delay. UART of the module can be configured up to 1Mbps (from 9600 to 921600), with or without flow control. jerry2015-04-24 12:24 AM
Hi All,
Can we use SPI for interfacing SPWF01 module with micro controller?What is the maximum data rate supported with SPI interface?thanks2015-04-24 1:07 AM
standard firmware supports UART interface for AT-commands.SPI cannot be used.2015-04-24 3:00 AM
Hi All,
We are looking for approx. 5Mbps data rate. Is it possible to achieve with module? Is it possible to interface with SPI by changing the standard firmware?Thanks.2015-04-24 3:41 AM
max throughput is 1Mbps over UART interface. SPI is not available. Standard firmware is currently the only one distributed.j2015-04-25 1:26 AM
Thanks for the quick update.What is the maximum range can be supported by this module?Thanks!2015-04-26 2:49 AM
what do you mean by range?UART speed, over the air throughput, 802.11 protocols, etc?jerry2015-04-27 2:45 AM
Hi Jerry,
What is the maximum supported range to communicate with another WiFi module?Thanks2015-04-27 4:51 AM
It's still not clear for me what are you meaning with ''range''.
If you mean someting like ''over the air coverage'', SPWF01S modules cover around 100 meters line of sight (open air). Using 18dBm as power set.j