2020-03-26 1:47 AM
Good morning,
I'm trying to connect the SPBTLE-1S module to my nucleo board, but it seems that the BLE module is not recognized. Using the BlueNRG GUI, I am able to get only the Motherboard FW number, instead the BLE device is not detected. Is it possible that the SPBTLE-1S is not programmed? I've tried also to program the BLE module itself, but without any positive results. Can you provide some detailed guidelines in order to connect the SPBTLE-1S module to my nucleo board and eventually program it with the last FW available?
Thank you in advance.
2020-03-29 11:51 PM
It shall be easier just to use STEVAL-IDB007V1M
Program the module with DTM firmware application (DTM_UART.hex or DTM_SPI.hex), then you are ready to test with BlueNRG GUI.
2020-12-13 1:09 AM
Can DTM_SPI.hex be tested through BlueNRG Gui on STEVAL-IDB007V1M?
2020-12-13 4:31 PM
Yes. Please use the prebuild firmware under STEVAL-IDB007V1M folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.1\Firmware\BLE_Examples\DTM\STEVAL-IDB007V1M