2018-02-09 6:05 AM
Hi all,
I would like to integrate the SPBTLE-1S bluetooth module in a new own PCB design. I want to connect the bluetooth module with a STM32F215 MCU through I2C interface.
I have performed the schematic following the datasheet recommendations. Could anyone help me and check if SCH it's ok?
Thanks in advance.
Bests regards!
2018-02-11 9:37 PM
Hi Francisco,
It looks fine to me.
DIO7 is for firmware upgrade purpose, and it should be kept low by default to prevent unwanted bootloader activation.
It is suggested to keep SWD. That will save your time while debugging is needed.
To be safe, please ask some local FAE help review.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
2018-02-11 11:55 PM
Hi Winfred Lu,
Thanks for your response.
In the other hand, in Pînout definition table it shows four operation Mode. How this operating modes are selected?
2018-02-12 7:53 PM
Hi Francisco,
I think you were referring to
, Table 5: Pinout description.It will be more clear to reference
, Chapter 3.12: GPIO.IO pins can be configured into one of the 4 operation modes,
with modifying GPIO registers accordingly :
All the pins are in GPIO mode by default, excluding IO9 and IO10 are in SWD mode by default,
Best Regards,
2018-02-26 10:08 AM
Hi Wilfred,
I have another doubt. I want to use I2C interface as main communication interface, so, how I could configure the I2C salve adress for my bluetooth device?
Datasheets shows: 'If in slave mode, the SCR register has to be programmed with the selected slave address'. How I programm the SCR register? By another interface?
Best Regards,
Thanks ins advance,
2018-02-26 8:58 PM
Hi Francisco,
SPBTLE-1S is a application processor module based on BlueNRG-1 SoC, which means the embedded Cortex-M0 controls everything.
You will need to program the MCU to configure IO pins into I2C, and handle I2C slave events accordingly.
Please reference
, Peripheral example I2C slave located:C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG-1_V1 DK 1.0.0\Project\BlueNRG1_Periph_Examples\I2C\Slave_Polling
In BlueNRG1_i2c.c , function I2C_Init() , it sets I2C own address (slave address) in SCR register:
MODIFY_REG(I2Cx->SCR, I2C_SLAVE_ADDR_EXT10_SMK, I2C_InitStruct->I2C_OwnAddress1);
Best Regards,
2018-02-27 12:02 AM
So, I need a EVB to program the MCU? How should I connect the module?
2018-02-27 1:27 AM
Could you support me about the following questions?
1) Should I use pins SWDIO and SWCLK in the SPBTLE-1S module to program it?
2) Is the module programmed through ST-LINK software?
3) It 's necessary that SPBTLE-1S module use the UART bootloader interface?
4) Should the '.hex' file generated in STSW-BNRG_V1-DK software?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
2018-02-28 6:46 PM
Hi Francisco,
Best Regards,
2018-06-06 2:21 AM
I'm having a bit of a difficulty integrating SPBTLE-1S into my design. I've developed an application using a STEVAL-IDB007v1 dev. board, now i want to transfer it onto SPBTLE-1S module. Everything goes well ( I2C for display is working and other periphery too..) except for the Bluetooth(LE) part. It doesn't show up (on my phone, BLE scanner ..) . Ive reduced the BLE profile to bare minimum and still no success. What changes do i need to make to transfer my project from dev. board to module. Or how can i program the module itself? Just to test if its working. I'm programming it with IAR through SWD interface. Any help would be greatly welcomed! Regards, Mitja.