2015-04-20 2:29 AM
I'm trying to achieve a communication between two wifi devices through a SPWFO1SA.11 , and I want to achieve the highest possible bite rate. My questions are then:-Can I use the mentioned SPI port to perform the AT commands?-Can I use the GPIO to transmit data to the SPWF to create a file for instance?Best regards,Hector #spi-error2015-04-20 6:15 AM
Hi Hector,
- SPI cannot be used for AT commands- I didn't get your question #2. You mean, associate an AT-command to a GPIO state? Move a GPIO --> perform an action?Thank youjerry2015-04-20 6:43 AM
First of all, thank's for your quick answer!
The idea with my second question is to use the GPIO to send bytes from a STM32 (for instance) to the SPWF. Which could allow the transmission of an entire byte , even two bytes at each tick. But I think is not doable... From my point of view the only way to send data (STM32=>SPWF) is through the UART, am I wrong?2015-04-20 7:20 AM
Correct. Only UART can be used for AT-commands and/or data transmission.
j2015-04-20 11:53 PM
Quite accurate answers, thanks for your replies.
Can I ask how the SPI/I2C connections can be used with this module? Are they really there?2015-04-21 12:52 AM
Hi Hector,
both I2C and SPI peripherals are really there, but cannot be used with a standard AT firmware. They are connected internally to STM32's I2C/SPI, but their activation/use depends on the firmware version into SPWFj2015-06-25 2:50 PM
Hi, I have a problem. The WIFI module is transmitting all the time through UART the next message:
+WIND:11:Initial SPI read failed: FFFFFFFFand I never used the SPI and these pins are disconnect.2015-06-25 11:27 PM
Hi Camilo,
unfortunatelly that WIND is not relates to SPI vs external host.It's an error message provided when communication between module's internal STM32 and module's internal wifi chip fails.Please give me some infos related to HW (nv_serial, under AT&V) and FW (version, under AT+S.STS).Thanksj2015-06-26 2:30 PM
AT&V# Dumping All Configuration Keys:
# nv_manuf = ST# nv_model = SPWF01SA1# nv_serial = 2914D26609# nv_wifi_macaddr = 00:80:E1:FF:F4:74# blink_led = 0# wind_off_low = 0x00000000# wind_off_medium = 0x00000000# wind_off_high = 0x00000000# user_desc = anonymous# escape_seq = at+s.# localecho1 = 0# console1_speed = 115200# console1_hwfc = 0# console1_enabled = 1# sleep_enabled = 0# standby_enabled = 0# standby_time = 10# wifi_tx_msdu_lifetime = 0# wifi_rx_msdu_lifetime = 0# wifi_operational_mode = 0x00000011# wifi_beacon_wakeup = 1# wifi_beacon_interval = 100# wifi_listen_interval = 0# wifi_rts_threshold = 3000# wifi_ssid = 53:54:54:65:73:74:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_ssid_len = 6# wifi_channelnum = 6# wifi_opr_rate_mask = 0x00003FCF# wifi_bas_rate_mask = 0x0000000F# wifi_mode = 1# wifi_auth_type = 0# wifi_atim_window = 0# wifi_powersave = 0# wifi_tx_power = 18# wifi_rssi_thresh = 0# wifi_rssi_hyst = 0# wifi_ap_idle_timeout = 120# wifi_beacon_loss_thresh = 10# wifi_priv_mode = 0# wifi_wep_keys[0] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_wep_keys[1] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_wep_keys[2] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_wep_keys[3] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_wep_key_lens = 00:00:00:00# wifi_wep_default_key = 0# wifi_wpa_psk_raw = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_wpa_psk_text = # ip_use_dhcp = 1# ip_use_httpd = 1# ip_mtu = 1500# ip_hostname = iwm-FF-F4-74# ip_apdomainname = captiveportal.net# ip_ipaddr = ip_netmask = ip_gw = ip_dns = ip_http_get_recv_timeout = 3000# ip_dhcp_timeout = 20# ip_sockd_timeout = 250OKAT+S.STS# Status & Statistics:# version = 141106-0950875-SPWF01S # reset_reason = 0# conf_flag = 5# system_uptime = 82# system_sleeptime = 0# gpio_enable = 0# captiveportal = 0# wifi_state = 0# wifi_bssid = 00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_aid = 0# wifi_channelnum = 0# wifi_sup_rate_mask = 0x00000000# wifi_bas_rate_mask = 0x00000000# wifi_chan_activity2 = 0x00000000# wifi_max_tx_power = 18# wifi_reg_country = # wifi_dtim_period = 0# wifi_sleeping = 0# wifi_num_assoc = 0# ip_ipaddr = ip_netmask = ip_gw = ip_dns = ip_sock_open = 0# ip_sockd_port = 0# free_heap = 32000# min_heap = 31752# current_time = 82OKThank you!2015-06-29 3:17 AM
Hi Camilo,
I can suggest you to update FW to last release (download from ST.com, or ask for it to your ST local support), but honestly I think the problem is more serious than just a FW update.Let me know if it helps. Otherwise we'll follow a different way (change the HW)Thanks to youjerry