2015-07-02 7:04 AM
I'd like to use the SPI connection of SPWF01SC. Could you say me please which pinout description are right? Is the the DocID025635 Rev 2 and the STEVAL-IDW001V1 with SPI description right?http://www.mikrocontroller.net/attachment/229286/spwf01.pdf
Or the DocID025531 Rev 5 without SPI?http://www.st.com/web/catalog/sense_power/FM2185/SC1930/PF258592
Thanks2015-07-02 7:10 AM
Hi Chris,
there is no SPI interface on SPWF module2015-07-02 7:24 AM
Hi and thanks Gerardo,
OK. But then there is everywhere false information:http://www.st.com/web/catalog/sense_power/FM2185/SC1930/PF258592
2015-07-02 7:32 AM
SPI, I2C, etc, are peripherals from internal STM32.
They are exported on module's GPIOs, but cannot be used with a standard firmware.Standart FW only allows AT-commands through UART. I'm sorry for misunderstanding.