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S2-LP (and its GUI) problems

Associate II


I have S2-LP connected to S2-LP GUI (only difference - it has no EEPROM on board, so I recompiled CLI firmware with EEPROM_NO define, and it has quartz running at 25MHz). I have to receive packets with 30-50kpbs datarate, but I made slower packets for testing.

  1. If I try Running RSSI for OOK or ASK modulation, I get the following: RSSI level on graph can raise, but cannot lower, it stale at maximum level S2-LP seen in session. If I press Stop then Start again - it starts from noise level again.
  2. Second problem - I cannot get it working with OOK modulation. It breaks packets with 'silence' periods. This is picture from logic analyzer in 'RX data on GPIO without packet' mode: Upper channel is from transmitter side (real data on air), second channel is data that S2-LP shown on GPIO, and third channel - its clock.

I have not changed any registers except was changed by S2-LP GUI while freq/packet tuning with its input boxes.

Can you provide me with registers dump that can definitely work with OOK modulation on receive side?

Thank you in advance!



Looks like you are using logic analyser from saleae, did u buy it on chinese website ?

I have no idea is it chinese or original, I got it as a gift from my friend. But it works, and I can see same signals on oscilloscope, so this is definitely not analyzer issue.

Associate II

After some experiment I found that in some cases S2-LP can get packets and even parse them (at level of ~ -55dbm).

It depends on position of transmitter. With some registers values I got something like this:

As I understand, it senses noise like a bits, then packet starts, and it tunes AGC to receive itб but still bits missing inside packet. Then AGC relaxes in ~3ms, and starts to sense noise again till next packet.

I have no idea why this happens, I've tried to change MEAS_TIME, HOLD_TIME, OK_PEAK_DECAY, CS_MODE with no success - sometime it start to receive valid packets but slight moving a transmitter breaks receiving. Trying to change a data rate also leads to loosing bits.

Maybe someone have working registers dump for S2-LP in OOK mode?

Associate II

Sometimes data received by S2-LP can 'invert' - and after this receiving almost finishes:

When received data on GPIO has idle high level - it receives something (not all bits, but I can guess some bits sequences), but after inverting (idle low) - it receives several bits only.. :(

Screenshot above was taken in 'RX data on GPIO without packet' mode with data rate = 64 kbps, manchester turned on. Same config with data rate = 32 kbps work better (but still depends on transmitter position relative to S2-LP, very narrow position when it can receive packets).

Maybe this is something relative to AGC tuning?

could you send me a pic of your analyser pls ? so i could tell u if its a counterfit or not, i've bought one of these counterfit (didn't know at this time), and i had issue when run sampling at 8MS/s, there is a power 20dB above noise level and it jammed my signal, so try another sampling rate maybe (i don't know about good saleae)