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Hi!I have S2-LP connected to S2-LP GUI (only difference - it has no EEPROM on board, so I recompiled CLI firmware with EEPROM_NO define, and it has quartz running at 25MHz). I have to receive packets with 30-50kpbs datarate, but I made slower packets...
I have a project with LIS2DH accelerometer and I want to measure values each 20 seconds, turning LIS2DH off between measurements.So, I tried to turn power on, wait 5ms, write 0x10 to CTRL_REG3 (turn on DRDY on INT1), then 0x1F to CTRL_REG1.Then I wai...
Posted on October 04, 2015 at 15:16Hello!I'm trying to run STemWin/FreeRTOS/HAL on STM32F429IG revision Y at 168MHz.SDRAM (IS42S16400J-7TLI) connected to FMC controller and runs fine by itself (CAS_LATENCY_3/CLOCK_PERIOD_2/RBURST_ENABLE/RPIPE_DELAY_...
Posted on October 02, 2015 at 09:49I have used CubeMX to generate initialization code for my application and met a problem.CubeMX generates code for initialization all selected peripherals including FMC (SDRAM in my case) and LTDC, and places all co...
Posted on March 19, 2012 at 19:01I trying to develop device using STM8S105K6 MCU and found something very strange. If I press reset button (connecting NRST to GND) all if working fine. But If I just turn off/on device power, MCU is starting (timer ...