2018-10-31 12:52 AM
I would like to know how to implement Multicast messaging on my end-node (currently using Murata Module (CMWX1ZZABZ-078) with ST LoRa libraries (Expansion I-CUBE-LRWAN) based on Lora Stack by StackForce ).
If I have understood well the multicast support (Device group configuration) requires personalization on the node itself, right?
I know it has been recently released a remote multicast support, but the current lora stack implementation is not ready for that yet.
How many device groups can be set for a single node?
Where can I find information about the personalization to implenent in our nodes so as to being able to support Multicast messages from the Network Server?
My nodes are working in Class C, so they are continuosly listening.
I wonder if a end-node is ready to listen on both Address Unicast and Multicast?
Regards, Ramon.
2020-01-10 9:18 AM
2021-01-03 10:28 PM
Hello Ramon,
Did you suceed to put in place multicast messages with your murata module ?
I'm tring to do the same thing.