Hello,We have experiended RD/WR problems with standard smartphones.Is there any list of recommended smartphones for operating with ST25DV64K?Regards, Ramon.
I would like to know how to implement Multicast messaging on my end-node (currently using Murata Module (CMWX1ZZABZ-078) with ST LoRa libraries (Expansion I-CUBE-LRWAN) based on Lora Stack by StackForce ).If I have understood well the multicast supp...
Hello,Thanks for your answer. The detected issues are found in our own application.How could I compare the performance between your demo board and our application? by reading distance? by measuring some parameter on the antenna?Regards, Ramon.
Hello JL.Thanks for your detailed answer.Not native, we are not using NDEF structures. The operating mode is handled by using propietary application.We are just writing and reading bytes in memory with the phone.We have found problems with some comme...