2021-01-14 7:38 PM
Dear All;
I would like to know about X-CUBE-SUBG1 and X-CUBE-SUBG2. There are not work with sensor node library. It has example below
- Border_Rounter
- Serial_Sniffer
- UDP_Client
- UDP_Server
Could you please advice me to mesh library with contiki?
Thank you,
Best regards.
2021-01-26 1:55 AM
can you please explain more in detail your question?
X-CUBE-SUBG2 includes Contiki-NG and the four applications that you are mentioning, and it supports S2-LP radio only.
Do you have problems making them work or do you need additional features (since you mention "sensor node library")?
Thank you very much.
2021-01-26 5:08 AM
Hello @MGREL ;
Thank you for your answer.
I would like to use mesh with contiki and I would like an example code with sensor node send the data to border rounter. Could you please advice me?
Thank you,
Best regards.
2021-01-26 5:44 AM
Related thread https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000PTJJFSA5/how-to-use-s2lp-with-contiki
2021-01-27 7:47 AM
In case, let's continue on the other thread:
since the question is the same.