Hello Krzysztof,The reason why the two modules are not interoperating might be that P2P configuration running on SPIRIT1 is using a packet length field of 7 bits while the S2LP uses 8 bit (standard). With below, SPIRIT1 packet length will change to 8...
Hello,there is an issue with the Contiki-NG based projects and the default compiler library (nano) of latest IDE. One possibility is to use the standard library (see attached picture).Other possibility is to use the previous compile in the new STM32C...
Hello,there is an issue with regards Contiki-NG based projects and the default library of the new toolchain. Either you change the compiler like you said or just use the standard library (see attached picture)
All RPL related parameters, like DAG lifetime, can be found inMiddlewares/Third_Party/Contiki-NG/os/net/routing/rpl-lite/rpl-conf.hyou can edit this file or, better, define the "*_CONF_*" version of the parameters in your project-conf.h
UDP Sender firmware is root of the RPL network just like the Border Router, if you can get multihop with the latter you should be able also with the former, the only "issue" is to verify this, maybe you can use the shell (on UDP Client) to see the rp...