2021-03-17 12:17 AM
Hello everyone,
I am facing problem using OTA updates with Bluenrg2 with OTA Service Manager and Bluenrg GUI v4.0.0. I am using customs PCBs with Bluenrg2, Atollic TrueSTUDIO for STM32 9.3.0, BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.1 SDK and Bluenrg GUI v4.0.0.
I flashed one board with Service Manager + Sensor Demo applications. It works OK, I can see the device advertising OTA Service Manager with NRF Connect Android application.
I flashed second board with DTM_UART project and I can establish connection with Bluenrg GUI. BUT when I open the COM port I received message "Old DTM fw detected. Update DTM fw.", and then I go to Tools->Stack Updater choose BlueNRG GUI 4.0.0\Firmware\BlueNRG2\DTM\DTM_UART_NOUPDATER.bin and update goes OK. Then again the same message for old firmware appears. And the versions are: Bluenrg2-HW v1.0, Bluenrg2-FW v2.1c-DTM UART v3.2.0, Motherboard FW v1.6. Versions are same for both firmwares that I upload.
Then I go to Tools-> OTA Bootloader and ciick Search for Devices button, but nothing happens. The procedure ends in 4 seconds and no commands are transmitted as far as I can see (for example if I set the DTM device like central and scan for nearby devices then multiple commands are transmitted, this lasts several seconds and all nearby BLE devices are found). I attach a screenshot after clicking the Search for Devices button. So this is my problem I can not found nearby devices. I thought that it might be Windows and Bluenrg GUI v4.0.0 problem so I tested on several PCs with Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 with same Bluenrg GUI v4.0.0 and the result was same at them all.
So my questions are:
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
2021-04-11 7:38 PM
The firmware (Motherboard FW) is the one programmed in the on-board STM32L151, working as an USB (w/ PC) to UART (w/ BlueNRG-2) converter.
Please use the pre-build image available in the BlueNRG GUI package:
C:\Users\<user ID>\ST\BlueNRG GUI 4.0.0\Firmware\BlueNRG2\USB_to_SERIAL\USB_to_SERIAL.hex
In most cases it does not matter to use an older Motherboard FW.
Use the correct Motherboard FW version associated with the version of BlueNRG GUI will prevent conflicts on ACI commands (format) between the FW and GUI.
The source of Motherboard FW (for STEVAL-IDB008Vx) is not officially released.
2021-04-14 8:32 AM
Thank you for the response.
I use the BlueNRG-2 as a microcontroller and I attach the UART pins via USB to serial converter (CP2102), so I do not use the STM32L with the development kit. As you see in the picture it finds some motherboard firmware version but it is not the correct one which GUI expects. By now I tested OTA update via smartphone and it is very slow so by now I can not use it (it will spend the battery too fast). Do you have some impressions on OTA update via GUI vs OTA update from smartphone? Is there a difference in the speed or is it the same? Thanks in advance.
Best regards,