2024-06-04 4:04 AM
Hej Folks,
I have an application with multiple BlueNRG-2s. There are 1 Master and up to 5 Slaves. I would like to connect the master to these 5 Slaves only, so no other device can connect to them and vice versa. I thought about using a whitelist. Currently, the Slaves simply make them self discoverable, and connect to anyone who sends a request:
aci_gap_set_discoverable(ADV_IND, /* (Connectable undirected advertising) */
0x00, /* Public Device Address */
NO_WHITE_LIST_USE, /* Change that ?*/
0x00, /* Service_Uuid_length */
NULL, /* Service List */
0x0000, /* Slave_Conn_Interval_Min */
0x0000); /* Slave_Conn_Interval_Max */
The Master on the other hand starts scanning for the slaves:
I hoped if I use a whitelist, I could simply add for the Slaves the known Master and for the Master the known Slaves (like having known MACs stored in flash). But firstly, I don't know if that is the correct approach, and secondly I can't get the 'be only connectable for known devices'-stuff to work, if I brute force/ try-error every possible function call combination of the bluenrg-API it takes a bunch of time and I don't really increase my Know-How at that topic.
So my question (finally) has anyone a good example for BlueNRG-2 Whitelist or some recommendations?