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I don't know what is the reason that I cant see the bluenrg device in most of the android device?

Associate II


I designed my own developing-board by bluenrg132.

I programmed the bluenrg from below address

(STMicroelectronics\BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.1.0 \ Firmware\BLE_Examples\DTM\BlueNRG-1\DTM_UART.bin).

then I tested the bluenrg by "BlueNRG GUI software v3.1.0".

in GUI software when I open com port I see below error :

"old DTM fw detected

update DTM fw."

(i don't know how to update fw???)

I press ok button and then I see below details in the upper right of the window:

bluenrg-1 hw v1.1

bluenrg-1 fw v2.1a- dtm uart v3.1

motherboard fw v1.6

then I do bellow procedure : 

"initi device" with default options

peripheral role > Advertising > default options > ok

I can see bluenrg device in android version 5.0.2 but can't see bluenrg device in android version 6.0.

I don't know what is the reason that I cant see the bluenrg device in most of the android device?

Winfred LU
ST Employee

> "old DTM fw detected update DTM fw." (i don't know how to update fw???)

It says that Motherboard FW v1.6 is too old.

Please update by clicking menu | Tools | Flash Motherboard firmware - USB-to-SERIAL firmware for the onboard STM32L,

and make the MCU entering DFU mode:

  1. Press and hold RESET button
  2. Plug the USB cable to the board
  3. Release RESET button
  4. The red LED (DL2) blinks to confirm the DFU is running

then from the BlueNRG GUI select the firmware USB_to_SERIAL.hex, available on BlueNRG-1_2 DK, Firmware/USB_to_SERIAL folder and press Open button.

For the Android issue, i am not an expert for Android, but, could it possibly be an issue of the app?

Please make sure to enable "Location (GPS)" in the settings, and request location permission in the app.

Michael Krechko
Associate II

Hi MNagh, what Android App do you use for checking availability? I recommend nRF Connect

Hi Winfred LU, Thanks for your guide.

Associate II

Hi Michael Krechko , My problem does not depend on the android app. I just turn on Bluetooth of Mobile and then search for nearby devices. I can find bluenrg on some phones but I didn't find bluenrg on most phones.

Could you try to replace ST company identifier code (0x30) with the Apple code (0x4C) ?

Thank you.

Thank you very much for your reply. May I know how to change my ST ID code?

I set the MAC address this way

uint8_t value_ [] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x00, 0xE1, 0x80, 0x02};

status = aci_hal_write_config_data (0x00,0x06, value_);

You can use the hci_le_set_advertising_data() from bluenrg1_api.h to do that. But it is strange that you have that problems, I tried BlueNRG-1,2 with Android and Apple and didn't faced with any problem.. can you share the code?

Associate II

I'm really confused. My hardware design is correct because I can see bluenrg on some devices. Probably my fault with the software.

I sent my code and hardware picture. Thank you if you can guide me to solve my problem.