2015-08-11 12:26 AM
Reading the documentation, I see that in some instances the HTTP header is requied to be appending to the strat of the files to be served by the HTTP server. However it is not too clear which files requrie this.
Am i right in thinking this done automatically for the files stored in the external file system - I assume when they are converted to the httpdfsupdate file? But not for the internal files? Thanks in advance... #spwf01sa #http2015-08-11 1:00 AM
Hi Toby,
- for internal RAM files, you can append or not the header. By default (only 2 parameters for FSC command), header is appended by customer; using the third parameter into FSC, you can leave default behaviour (param=1) or force webserver to automatically add header on the fly (param=0); - for internal FLASH files, cannot change behaviour; - for external FLASH files (only for SPWF01Sx.11), use '''#define APPEND_HEADER'' into httpd_gen.c:35 provided file to tell webserver what it should do. Hope to be useful jerry2015-08-11 4:56 AM
Hi Jerry,
Thanks for that. Is there a newer vesion of the http_gen.c? The ones I have in the latest firmware package (3.4) are dated 7/8/2014, and have no reference to the #define APPEND_HEADER in it? Thanks, Toby2015-08-11 6:39 AM
In attach latest version
________________ Attachments : httpd_gen.c : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I1Qv&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bmu%2F7IQlD4dCucrpG_8ZinIt7wPFEBre73izHRPMtFy.JAM&asPdf=false2015-08-12 12:42 AM