2015-08-10 1:55 AM
Dear Community,
I have generated RSA signed certificates using OpenSSL as described in application note AN4683. I also started a server using openssl command and the generated certificates as described on page 20 of AN4683. Then I used: AT+S.TLSCERT2=clean,all ->resppnse of WIFI module: OK AT+S.SETTIME=<seconds> ->resppnse of WIFI module: OK AT+S.TLSCERT=f_ca,<size><CR><data> ->resppnse of WIFI module: OK AT+S.TLSDOMAIN=f_domain,<server domain> ->resppnse of WIFI module: OK AT+S.SOCKON=<host-ip>,<port>,s,ind ->response of WIFI module: ERROR: Unable to load CA certificate Does anybody know what am I doing wrong? Thanks for you help, regards Michael! #tls-spwf01sa.112015-08-10 3:12 AM
Hi Michael,
that error means that loaded certificate is not valid for the module. I don't know why. Just to be sure: is it in PEM format? X509 includes a lot of formats, but only PEM can be used here. Regards jerry2015-08-10 3:40 AM
Hi Jerry,
of course I generated a certificate in PEM format. openssl genpkey -out ca_key.pem -outform PEM -algorithm rsa .... openssl req -new -key ca_key.pem .... -out ca_cert.pem -x509 This is the certificate I tried to use:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
2015-08-10 4:56 AM
A couple of checks:
- Is it working the anonymous negotiation (no certificates)? - power off the module (reset is not enough). This way date/time are reset. - run settime command (with parameter, seconds since 1970) - run settime command (without parameters). Is Date/Time ok? - load certificates. From previous customer's issues: be sure about <CR>/<LF> bytes. If they are part of the payload, certificate becomes wrong. - run TLSCERT command using ''f_content,0'' as parameters. Are certificates (and domain name) correctly loaded? - if anonymous negotiation is ok, try one-way authentication: I see ''The maximum allowed size for files uploaded to module is approximately 1.3 KB'' warning into AN4683. If error is still there, can you give a try with a smaller certificate? - in case of mutual authentication, max overall size is 3Kb. If issue is still there, I can send you the linux-based script I use for certificates generation. j2015-08-10 11:18 PM
Dear Jerry,
- date/time is OK - anonymous negotiation works - one way authentication doesn't work - mutual authentication doesn't work I have generated a new set of (RSA signed) certicifates and keys like described on page 28 in AN4683. The size of the CA certificate is less than 1kB. But the module still reports ''Unable to load CA certificate''. When running the command AT+S.TLSCERT=f_content,0 the module repiles following mesage:# TLS loaded CERTs:<\r><\n>
# CA Cert: YES<\r><\n> # Client Cert: NO<\r><\n> # Client Key: NO<\r><\n> # Domain Name: YES - CA domain<\r><\n> <\r><\n> OK<\r><\n> I have tested the certificates and keys by using openssl s_server and s_client and the mutual authentication works fine... Thanks for your help, regards Michael2015-08-11 1:15 AM
Hi Mic,
unfortunatelly I'm on vacation, and, so, far from the office. I cannot perform tests. I hope someone other can share his experience with TLS over SPWF01S. I readOpenSSL-1.0.1i on the application note. Is it the same are you using?
Sorry for this tricky setup... jerry2015-08-11 7:27 AM
Hi Michael,
as a double check, do you have any possibility to generate your CA_cert using the attached script? The script automatically creates a folder with the CA_cert (the script have to be executed on the SSL/TLS server machine and then you can upload the content of rootca_of_server.pem into the module with the related AT command). In any case, you can use the script as a reference for RSA 1024-one way auth. Regards, Salvo ________________ Attachments : RSA1024_oneway-auth.sh : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I1CB&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bmj%2Fw9H1xvjg4iWS11q8oJHJpMIfv15YCS83SVQ0s9nkS7s&asPdf=false2015-08-13 1:10 AM
Hi Salvo,
I have generated the new certs on my SSL/TLS server machine using the attached script. The size of the rootca_of_server.pem certificate is 908 byte (I have removed any line breaks in the PEM file). Then I used the terminal program HTERM for uploading the rootca_of_server.pem to the WiFi module as shown bellow: AT+S.SETTIME=14394516689<\r> AT+S.TLSCERT2=clean,all<\r> AT+S.TLSCERT=f_ca,908<\r> -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIC.....1Qr4=-----END CERTIFICATE-----<\r> AT+S.TLSDOMAIN=f_domain,server<\r> Then I run the command AT+S.TLSCERT=f_content,0 and got the response: # TLS loaded CERTs:<\r><\n> # CA Cert: YES<\r><\n> # Client Cert: NO<\r><\n> # Client Key: NO<\r><\n> # Domain Name: YES - server<\r><\n> <\r><\n> OK<\r><\n> However when initiating a secure connection: AT+S.SOCKON=,4433,s,ind<\r> the module reports: ERROR: Unable to load CA certificate<\r><\n> I don't konw what I am doing wrong? Do I have to edit the certificate in any way? Should I use an other setup than HTERM to upload the certificate? If have read (in the user manual) that max. command length is 512 characters. The size of the certificate is 908 characters. Could that cause the problem? Is there a chnace to read the stored certificate (e.g. AT+S.FSP=ca<\r>) ?? Thanks for any hint, regards Michael2015-08-13 4:10 AM
Hi Michael,
you have not to modify the certificate. You have only to check the size (in linux: sizes=`cat cert.pem | wc -c`) and send the AT command (AT+S.TLSCERT=ca,$sizes + cert content) waiting for the OK.Did you already try a different terminal (such as Tera Term)? Which OpenSSL version are you using (openssl -v)?Regards,Salvo2015-08-13 5:30 AM
Dear Salvo,
thanks for the hint with the unedited cert-file. I thought that I have to remove all <\r> from the cert-file becuase the <\r> character is always terminating an AT command. Uploading of the original cert-file works fine. Thank you very much for your support, best regards Michael