2020-11-27 1:49 AM
Hi All;
I would like to know how to use S2-LP with contiki. I saw border-router, serial sniffer, udp client and udp server are example code. I don't saw sensor node to example code. Could you please advice me about how to build sensor node project with STM32CubeIDE?
Best regards.
2021-02-03 9:45 PM
Hello @MGREL ;
Could you advise me for parameter in Border Router example code to keep message from client?
Thank you,
Best regards.
2021-02-04 1:48 AM
if you mean UDP Messages they are not sent "to" the Border Router but to one of the addresses of the UDP Server, in this scenario the Border Router forwards these messages over the serial line to the host PC.
Since the "console" of the border router is actually the wpcapslip6 tool, you can invoke it with some verbosity (-v).
The reason why I suggest you to test with the UDP Server firmware as well is that the scenario is actually the same except for the forwarding over the serial line, this can help in identifying issues.
Also if you recompile the code without Link Layer security, you can then use the serial sniffer and dump RF packets.
If you mean RPL messages, you have to enable RPL Debug level, this can be done using the console on UDP Client and Server ("log rpl N" where N is the debug level that you want) or recompiling the Border Router with specific DBG level (project-conf.h).
2021-02-06 6:42 AM
Hello, @MGREL ;
Thank you for your reply.
I try to your solution. It's work. I saw message from log data but the message is not decode. I can't decryption. Could you please advice about solution this issue?
Thank you,
Best regards.
2021-02-08 6:45 AM
To disable Link Layer security and so see packets in clear in Wireshark using the Serial Sniffer you can recompile UDP Client / Server / Border Router after changing
#define LLSEC802154_CONF_ENABLED 1
#define LLSEC802154_CONF_ENABLED 0
in contiki-conf.h file
2021-02-08 7:17 PM
Hello, @MGREL ;
Thank you for your replay.
I try your advice. It's working. I would like to show a photo below
I would like to turn off the message from Border Router is "Waiting for prefix" and I would like to show the message from client at serial terminal. Show a photo below
Could you please advice me the solution for this issue ?
Thank you,
Best regards.
2021-02-09 11:20 PM
Hello, @MGREL ;
I would like to show a photo. The first time will not work when I open terminal for Border router and terminal for Client.
When I use PowerShell. It's working. I would like to know how I can setup all without PowerShell. Show a photo below
Could you please advice me this issue?
Thank you,
Best regards.
2021-02-11 1:07 AM
Hello, I am not sure if I have understood the problem. The Border Router can work only if connected to tunslip6/wpcapslip6 because it needs
so if you use a terminal you just see Border router output that is basically SLIP6 packets (and debug messages if you enable them)
If you don't need to send UDP data to the host PC you can use the UDP Server firmware that implements also the RPL root.
2021-02-13 6:23 AM
Hello @MGREL ;
Thank you for your reply.
If I have understood. Could I use UDP Server instead Border router for receive message from client ( MESH Network)?
I try UDP Server. It's point to point.
Thank you,
Best regards.
2021-02-16 11:23 AM
UDP Sender firmware is root of the RPL network just like the Border Router, if you can get multihop with the latter you should be able also with the former, the only "issue" is to verify this, maybe you can use the shell (on UDP Client) to see the rpl status, like:
> rpl-status
RPL status:
-- Instance: 0
-- DAG node
-- DAG: fd00::51:3430:5233:8131, version 240
-- Prefix: fd00::/64
-- MOP: Non-storing
-- Hop rank increment: 128
-- Default lifetime: 1800 seconds
-- State: Reachable
-- Preferred parent: fe80::51:3430:5233:8131 (last DTSN: 240)
-- Rank: 286
-- Lowest rank: 286 (1024)
-- DTSN out: 240
-- DAO sequence: last sent 241, last acked 241
-- Trickle timer: current 14, min 12, max 20, redundancy 0
2021-02-16 10:37 PM
Hello, @MGREL ;
Thank you for your reply.
Could I edit lifetime in UDP Server? I found when the client can't to UDP Server. It can't reconnect. I must to reset the UDP Client board and I don't see UDP client create hop-to-hop.
Could you please advice me to solve this issue?
Thank you,
Best reagards.