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How to make Bluetooth work when using a STM32F401RE board and a X- NUCLEO- IDB05A1 extension board ?


Hello, I'm a student engineer and I'm working on a project which aim is to retrieve environmental data such as Temperature, Humidity and luminosity... and to send them via Bluetooth to my phone. I'm using STM32F401RE board + X- NUCLEO- IDB05A1 and coding on STM32CUBEide .The thing is that I don't see what code to write for the BLE part. I think the answer may reside in the app_bluenrg_ms.c , app_bluenrg.h, gatt_db.c, and gatt_db.g files when referring to the SensorDemo_BLESensor-App project. As I'm new on this, I don't really understand the code. Please can you help me out with this ?


Sebastien DENOUAL
ST Employee

Hi @WANDJI FILS Gaüs pradel​ ,

Easiest way is to use SW package X-CUBE-BLE1. This SW pack is fully compatible with STM32CubeIDE or STM32CubeMX and can be used to generate code for your STM32F401RE board + X- NUCLEO- IDB05A1.

Together with this SW pack, it exists a well done documentation explaining step by step how to generate this code for your Nucleo setup (X-CUBE-BLE1_GettingStarted.pdf)

