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How to Interface ATWINC1500 xplained pro with STM32l46A6ZG Nucelo ?

Associate III


So i'm using the STM32l4A6ZG and and I want to implement the ATWINC1500 xpro driver so i can use the APIs to successfully connect the ATWINC1500xpro module to the STM32 Host MCU.

Can I use this driver :

and change the includes from stm32f4xx to stm32l4xx ?

in that case which changes do I have to take and where to copy the following files.

Thank you,

Associate III

Hi OGaie,

I want to do almost the same thing.

I see no one has replied to your question.

Does it mean that no one has tried this?

Have you been able to test it out. Please share your experience.


It means these type of "can I do x" and "guide me" type questions are frequently ignored because they create a lot of work, and determining these things is part of the project/path you've taken​, so be prepared to do the porting.

The universe of possibilities extends beyond the code one can copy from Google.​

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