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How to add and switch between multiple eSIM profiles in ST4SIM200?


I have B-L462E-CELL1 development board with ST4SIM200M IC. this board came pre-provisioned with the Truphone profile but I didn't find any way to add a new profile. According to the datasheet eSIm chip supports up to 7 profiles but How can we add and switch between different profiles?

Associate II

I also have same question i bouth st4sim-200 ic and want add more sim profiles. But dont know which tool to use for that action.

Hi, the ST4SIM-200 is configured with 1GLOBAL (former Truphone) connectivity, and 1GLOBAL is also configured as Subscription Management platform (SM-SR), able to manage remotely the profile on the eSIM.

According the GSMA SGP.02 specification/architecture, the new profile to be downloaded, shall be available on the SM-DP of the operator and the SM-DP integrated with the SM-SR managing the eSIM.

That said, the profile download shall be managed through SM-SR and in that case referring to 1GLOBAL.

The drawback/limitation of this architecture is that the SM-DP of the operator you want to download is not available on 1GLOBAL SM-SR.

Understand, but cannt add custom profile of my network provider. Or can it programing by some toolkit

It's not possible to program. The only way is through 1GLOBAL partner.

@Agostino VANORE wrote:

It's not possible to program. The only way is through 1GLOBAL partner.


@Kobra1991 @ffwali remember that the 'S' in "SIM" stands for "Subscriber" - ie, the one who pays for the service.

The SIM credentials are all about ensuring that the service provider gets paid - so they're not going to allow anyone to just go randomly creating SIMs!


#eSIM #SIMProfile

How can I program esim on chip with creditentials I receive from my provider, manually input?

Please recommend to me the esim on chip part and the device and programming tool?


You can't - as @Agostino VANORE explained.