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Hey! STUSB4761 USB PD IC, I2C Device address missing??

Associate II

I need STUSB4761 I2C Device adress. In the datasheet I can not see.

And I wanna use this pd with MCU and I2C controlled buck-boost converter. I will read STUSB4761 registers via I2C and after that I will control the buck-boost IC via I2C so input will be dc supply. İs it possible??

Benoit FORET
ST Employee


STUSB4761 has been optimized for AC/DC applications: Voltage and Current are regulated directly through analog signals. With some compliant DC/DC, OPTO_DRV and FB pins can be used similarly to set the regulation point, but I understand it might not apply in your case.

For a DC/DC application, I would rather recommend STUSB4700 (an Interrupt would be useful in your case) or directly an STM32 based implementation, depending on your partitioning.



Hi Benoit,

Thanks your answer, isn't possible? to get the device ,which is connecting the port, requested voltage from STUSB4761 via I2C communication by MCU. After that set the buck-boost voltage to the requested voltage by MCU. I have PPS Buck-Boost converter can set via I2C.

like flow that on the attachment.

İf it's not possible with STUSB4761 , which pd controller can I use from ST pd controllers.



Benoit FORET
ST Employee

Hi Sahin,

understand your request, but to achieve fast enough voltage transition (according to USB PD requirements), an interrupt and a dedicated register map are required to quickly drive the Buck-Boost according to USB PD negotiation. While this IC is optimized to autonomously negotiate, regulate and monitor voltage, without MCU supervision. This is a good fit for an AC/DC application, but not in your case unfortunately.

Another option is probably to operate the USB PD stack from the MCU directly. Please check our STM32 offer with USB PD support.



Philippe RABIER
ST Employee

Hello Sahin,

We can also propose you another solution with an STM32 with USB PD stack embedded (UCPD peripheral) such as STM32 G0, G4, L5, H5, or H7 and a TCPP02-M18 for source solution.

Please find a full exemple based on STPD01 buck.

Best regards.

Philippe Rabier

Associate II

Hello ,

Is STUSB4700 has 100W source capability? Can I use it 20V 5A source?

Best regards,


Hello ,

Is STUSB4700 has 100W source capability? Can I use it 20V 5A source?

Best regards,


ST Employee

Hello Sahin

STUSB4700 can source 100W in captive cable application otherwise, it needs to be limited to 60W as STUSB4700 does not check cable capabilities.

Best regards


Thanks for answer.

According to the flow chart which one is the good IC ? STUSB4700 or STUSB1602 ?

Best Regards


ST Employee

Hello Sahin

If you want to design source >60W with DCDC, STUSB1602 + STM32 is suitable.

You can select SRC_ONLY project and use _GPIO_FOR_SRC switch to control your DCDC.

Best regards
