2014-08-11 2:24 AM
I'm developing a device based on the BlueNRG. I worked on the support of flash BlueNRG from my firmware, but during a flash error occurred (probably due to an incorrect program address). After flash failed BlueNRG does not respond, as in my firmware and through the RF MOTHERBOARD vers. 3.0 (BLUENRG_GUI.exe).Is there a way to restore the firmware? Maybe can I download the firmware via JTAG?Software engineer, Andrei Kukenov.Regards. #recovery #flash #bluenrg #image2015-01-22 12:32 AM
the bluenrg fw images is the same for STEVAL-IDB002V1'' and ''X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1'', different is the VCOM firmware loaded on the motherboard. For X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 you have to load the VCOM firmware related to your STM32F present in the X-CUBE-BLE1package. In anycase, you should try to reload the BlueNRG fw image version 6.3and try if it works.
GraziellaOk, I just found where is this mysterious v1.6.0:
http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF259737 Thanks to this post: https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/interface/Lists/Low%20Power%20RF%20Solutions/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=%2fpublic%2fSTe2ecommunities%2finterface%2fLists%2fLow%20Power%20RF%20Solutions%2fdriver%20and%20application%20built%20for%20BlueNRG&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D7580008F23... But that v1.6.0 is for ''STEVAL-IDB002V1'' and I have the new ''X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1'', so the bluenrg images cannot be compatible, yes? And yet they are compatible enough to still drive the SPI interface (but not get over the air advertising)?2015-01-23 10:46 AM
I would love to try that experiment - may I please have a link to where to find the v6.3 images?
2015-01-26 12:29 AM
Please, Can you any feedback about the questions:which VCOM firmware have you loaded on the motherboard?
Assuming that the fw image ''bluenrg_6_4_Mode_2-16MHz-XO32K.im''g has been correctly loaded (as showed in the GUI), have you tried to run basic command as GATT_INIT, GAP_INIT with the GUI?
Are they run with success? (Check the HCI_COMMAND_COMPLETE Status =Success)?If yes, the BlueNRG fw upgrade should be ok, so another test that you could to do is to set the TX power as follow:
ACI_HAL_SET_TX_POWER_LEVEL(0x01,0x04) and verify if the device is correctly advertising or not. The Tx Power settings address an issue which is documented in the device errata (see section 1.3). You can download the document at the following link:http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/errata_sheet/DM00133230.pdf
Regards, Graziella2015-04-02 5:01 PM
Wow, what a long strange trip it is learning to use the BlueNRG.
I have finally realized why it seemed that upgrading from v6.3 to v6.4 ''looked'' to break the advertising (and thereby, the ability to be connectable at all). The hint came from following this post: https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/interface/Lists/Low%20Power%20RF%20Solutions/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/interface/Lists/Low%20Power%20RF%20Solutions/How%20to%20set%20a%20specific%20channel%20for%20advertising¤tviews=24 So, as I was fast and furiously using ST sample apps to establish a proof-of-concept project running by BlueNRG, I (like most of the ST sample code) was not checking return values. Since ST chose to REMOVE the HCI set advertising from v6.4 (and ONLY support ACI set discoverable), my call to hci_le_set_advertising_parameters() began to fail after the f/w upgrade, but since I had not been checking return values, it ran, and the few places that I could verify BlueNRG was still alive, like read board address, I could tell that the f/w upgrade did not kill the BlueNRG, but just seemed to break its discoverability.2015-04-03 12:42 AM
Hi Smith,
For a complete list of supported ACI & HCI APIs refer tofile:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/STMicroelectronics/BlueNRG%20DK%201.6.0/Docs/bluenrg_fw_stack_release_notes_html/bluenrg_stack_apis_v6_4_vs_v6_3.html
(under folder ..\Docs\bluenrg_fw_stack_release_notes_html\bluenrg_stack_apis.html) Regards, GM