2014-10-28 3:21 AM
I have custom designed board with CR95 + STM32F103. It almost copied from MB1054A demo board. I use libraries and API form ST: lib_CR95HF.c, lib_iso14443A.c and drv_CR95HF.cI wrote small programm that initializes CR95, then wait for tag event, like it was in demo programm.When ISO14443A_IsPresent() returns success, I do ISO14443A_SelectSequence and it returns success to. I see the UID and SACK byte. Then I try to send RATS frame, and it allways returns 87 00. I did all same requests to demo kit, and it was success result. PPS request was OK too on demo kit, unlike my board.So, I guess I didn't do some necessary actions... can anyone help me? #cr95hf-rf-stm322014-11-06 7:22 AM
Sorry dear customer,
but the Low Power RF Solutions forum is exclusively dedicated to Bluetooth Low Energy and Spirit1 devices, thus here you cannot find the right support you deserve.Regards,
Low Power RF Solutions support team2014-11-16 9:17 PM
Wonderfull. Thanks!