2017-04-27 1:53 AM
I am working on a x-nucleo-IDB05A1 together with a nucleo-L073.
I would need to advertise Eddystone/iBeacon datas and be connectable at the same time.My problem is that I can emit beacon data but when I put the device into connectable mode, the beacon stops.
I would need a solution that allows me to emit beacon data and be connectable at the same time.Does someone knows (if such a thing is possible), how to achieve it?Thanks in advance,
Raphael#ble #beacon2017-05-05 1:27 AM
Dear Customer,
to understand how to set a Beacon device, you can see the script BLE_Beacon.py that you can find inside the installation package of BlueNRG but using this script you put a device in discoverable mode but not connectable.
Instead, If you want that the beacon device connectable, you have to modify the command
ACI_GAP_SET_DISCOVERABLE setting the Advertising_Type to 0x00 instead of 0x03
N.B.: Advertising type Values:
- 0x00: ADV_IND (Connectable undirected advertising)
- 0x01: ADV_DIRECT_IND (Connectable directed advertising)
- 0x02: ADV_SCAN_IND (Scannable undirected advertising)
- 0x03: ADV_NONCONN_IND (Non connectable undirected advertising
2017-11-09 4:49 AM
Old topic but, for some reason, appeared at the top of the list.
Marchese.Graziella wrote:
Instead, If you want that the beacon device connectable...
But that wasn't the question!
The question was how to do
- at the same time.2017-11-30 4:03 AM
Dear customer,
you cannot set contemporarly a device in Advertising in not connectable mode and in connectable mode. The state machine of the device permits only one state of advertising.
For example, you set the device in advertising in with Advertising Type = 0x00 ADV_IND (Connectable undirected advertising) in order to be a beacon device connectable, after a connection the beacon device stops (because the device is not more in advertings) but now you can put again the device in advertising (connectable or not connectable mode) in order to be again a beacon device.
Graziella2017-11-30 5:11 AM
I guess you could have the device alternate between advertising
in not connectable mode, and
in connectable mode ... ?