2020-09-29 2:45 AM
Trying to connect SPBTLE-1S module based on BLUENRG-1 to ST-link/V2 programmer using bluenrg x flasher tool. we did the right connections. but still getting this error. Need to know whats could have gone wrong.
Connected N.1 device by ST Link
13:51:28.135: Waiting device to read -> FAILED. (It's not possible to connect to the device)
2021-06-28 5:14 AM
I had the same problem with my X-NUCLEO-BNRG2A1 based on BLUENRG-2, connected to my ST-link V2 clone. My mistake was that I forgot to short the J15 jumper, whose name is "boot pin jumper" and whose description is "Boot pin connect to VDD , for wake up device when in sleep". Hope this will help someone.