2018-10-29 5:15 PM
We are using the procedure defined in AN4491 to upgrade BlueNRG-MS firmware from 7.1e to 7.2c.
Blue_flag erase (aci_erase_blue_flag), flash erasing and programming works but the aci_reset_blue_flag step is failing with response “0x4A: Blue Flag failed to be set�?.
After this occurs the chip only comes up with EVT_BLUE_INITIALIZED with code 0x3 (blue flag).
Firmware can be sent again, but we get the same problem resetting the blue flag over and over again.
Please help me resolve this.
Thank you
2019-01-18 7:24 AM
I am facing problems with updating the firmware too. Could you help me with the steps you used ?
Did you use the BlueNRG GUI or SPI communication to update the firmware ?
Thank you!
2019-01-20 1:23 PM
It's been a while since I used the BlueNRG-MS but I recall the procedure that ST gives doesn't work correctly. I think it had to do with the fact that the Blue Flag is already set in the hex image. I think I modified the hex file to zero out the Blue Flag so the procedure would work.