2017-02-14 2:35 AM
I'm using the BlueNRG-MS chipset. As far as I've understood, the connection interval is set through 'aci_gap_set_discoverable' and if the related arguments of the function (SlaveConnIntervMin and SlaveConnIntervMax) are 0, it is set to 7.5 ms (as for BLE standard), otherwise it is set using multiples of 1.25 ms. Which is the minimum value which can be set? Can the connection interval be set to 1.25 ms in order to maximize throughput?
Thank you,
#bluenrg-ms2017-02-15 1:13 AM
Hi Daniele,
the minimum value for the connection interval is 7.5 ms. As you said, it is set in multiple of 1.25 ms, but you can't go any lower than 7.5 ms. Also, please notice that the actual connection interval that will be used is chosen by the master.