2014-03-13 8:15 AM
Hi ST,
I didn't find the description of Bluehci_Gatt_notification command,in page 55 of BlueNRG Application Command Interface.pdf, it mentioned ''Char Properties 1 byte Bitwise OR values of Characteristic Properties (defined in Volume 3, Section of Bluetooth Specification 4.0) '',Is Volume 3 mentioned here Part G( GENERIC ATTRIBUTE PROFILE(GATT)) in Bluetooth Specification 4.0. If it is,when 0x0001 (but in our project,char_properties : 0x10 // notify, 0x0A read/write) ,The Characteristic Value shall be notified.my question is as follows: 1. Regarding the value is 0x0001 not 0x10 ,Is it right? 2. if we use BlueNRG transmit some big data packet, is it reasonable by Gatt_nofification?2014-03-14 1:24 AM
On page 55 there is the description of the Bluehci_Gatt_Add_Characteristic command which allows you to add a characteristic to a service. The Char Properties command parameter is the one described on Buetooth Specification 4.0, Vol. 3 Part G, Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) on Table 3.5: Characteristic Properties bit field. These are the values defined within the BlueNRG DK 1.3.0\\Projects\\Bluetooth LE\\SimpleBlueNRG_HCI\\includes\\gatt_server.h file used on SensorDemo when adding a characteristic. The Bluehci_Gatt_notification is an event and not a command. It is a vendor specific event (EVT_VENDOR) and is raised when a device receives a notification of a characteristic value (which has been added with CHAR_PROP_NOTIFY). For notify a characteristic added with the CHAR_PROP_NOTIFY property, you can use the aci_gatt_update_char_value() API (after the related characteristic descriptor has been enabled). For sending big data you could use the notification mechanism (but notice that Bluetooth low Energy technology is not use the best one for targeting transfer of big quantity of data). Regards, Graziella