2014-03-13 6:33 PM
I am using STM32L151CBU6 and SPIRIT1 for wireless sensor design. I made my own boar reference SPIRIT1_DONGLE_REVa. When I used SPIRIT1_WMBUS_Example.eww to debug my boar,I find that there are wanting five source files. These files are c:\users\salvo pecorino\Documents\spirit1\Devkits\Firmwave\wmbus_libraries\Link\src\wmbus_crc.c,c:\users\salvo pecorino\Documents\spirit1\Devkits\Firmwave\wmbus_libraries\Link\src\wmbus_linkserices.c,c:\users\salvo pecorino\Documents\spirit1\Devkits\Firmwave\wmbus_libraries\Link\src\wmbus_link.c, c:\users\salvo pecorino\Documents\spirit1\Devkits\Firmwave\wmbus_libraries\Link\src\wmbus_phy.c, c:\program Files(x86)\IAR systems\Embedded workbanch 6.4\arm\inc\c\Dlib_product_string.h . How can I solve the problem? Or how can I get the files? Many thanks.
#spirit12014-03-14 2:21 AM
this is absolutely normal, indeed the WMBUS library is provided in binary format, but this will not prevent you from debugging it using IAR. Just choose ''skip'' when the source files are requested.Best regards,Gaetano