2017-03-16 3:01 AM
Hi, i'm working with the BlueNRG-MS evaluation board (x-nucleo-IDB05A1) together with an stm32L073RZ.
I'm putting the module in advertising mode with the stm in stop mode.With an 20ms advertising period, i am measuring a 1,5�A current (for the stm + BlueNRG), the estimation tool gives me 873�A. I cannot figure out from where comes this big difference.
Maybe it is due to the refresh period of my amp-meter, but anyway, it may not be able to diplay the peaks but it should display the average current given (i.e 873�A).
other thing: i am observing the RSSI on an android app, when i change the advertising period, i can see that the RSSI displayed is refreshed consequently to the modification i made. BUT, the bigger my period is, the bigger the consumption is. It should be the contrary.
again it may have to do with my amp-meter refresh period, but i'm not sure since it should display the average consumption.
can someone help me?
Thanks by advance,Rapha�l
#bluetooh #bluenrg #power-consumption