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BlueNRG-355VC MCU, GPIOs as inputs, interrupts on logic level changes

Associate III


I'm going to use in a design the SiP below, which contains a BlueNRG-355VC MCU inside.

0693W00000Y97GyQAJ.pngI have found the datasheet titled "BlueNRG-LP", and I was reading about the features of the GPIOs.

  • When used as inputs, they can have internally connected pull-down or pull-up resistors.
  • When used as outputs, they can be configured as open-drain or push-pull

My question is about the GPIOs as inputs, are the GPIOs able to generate interrupts on logic level changes at the inputs? All them? No one? Or only a set of GPIOs can do this function? (if yes, I needed to know which of them are able). I did not found this information in the datasheet.
