2023-01-11 07:43 AM
I would like to ask for an advice related to the timestamp registration:
uint32_t timestamp_A = HAL_VTimerGetCurrentTime_sysT32();
and after some time we check the elapsed time using:
int32_t diff_ms = HAL_VTimerDiff_ms_sysT32(HAL_VTimerGetCurrentTime_sysT32(), timestamp_A);
I am trying to detect and handle accordingly the case where sysT32 variable overflow occurs. I see that overflow occurs after about 1.5 hours.
I checked some differences:
0u - UINT32_MAX (returns 0)
UINT32_MAX-0u (returns -1)
HAL_VTimerDiff_ms_sysT32() suggests that uint32_t sysTime has some ranges other than uint32 size.
Is there any mechanism to handle sysT32 variable overflow detection?
Do I understand correctly that I should rather start new VTimer and detect the overflow inside VTimerTimeoutCallback()? And this way I can read the elapsed time before overflow with HAL_VTimerExpiry_sysT32()?