2018-09-15 8:06 AM
It looks like BlueNRG-MS doesn't remember that BLE client asked it to change CCCD from 0 (default value) to 1 (subscribe to value change notifications) upon BLE server reboot. And I need to restore CCCD to 1 because BLE client doesn't do it on reconnect.
More details in this topic: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/ru-RU/617c16ea-37d6-43c6-bab8-f925642ef1db/ble-hid-hid-over-gatt-device-status-reports-are-not-received-after-device-reconnected?forum=wdk&prof=required
btw: I am aware that this value must be set by BLE client, but what should I do if it doesn't do it?
2023-09-02 1:35 AM
it is ok, i resolved the problem with : aci_gatt_set_desc_value