2024-10-14 2:51 PM
Hi I'm using this device in a space design. I just want to clarify the voltage requirements. In all cases, I have Vdd1 >= Vdd2, as specified. However, I'm using the device in these configurations and I want to confirm that the voltage levels are valid (it appears so from the datasheet but it's a little confusing):
Vdd1=5.0V, Vdd2=5.0V
Vdd1=3.3V, Vdd2=3.3V
Vdd1=5.0V, Vdd2=3.3V
Vdd1=5.0V, Vdd2=2.5V
Vdd1=3.3V, Vdd2=2.5V
Also, is there any requirement for the power connections for the 2 halves of the part. For instance, I have one part with Vdd1-1=5.0V, Vdd2-1=3.3V and Vdd1-2=3.3V, Vdd2-2=2.5V.
Thanks for your time,
Ryan Miller
Chief Engineer, Digital System
University of Michigan
Space Physics Research Laboratory
2024-10-15 12:03 AM
Welcome @rpmiller, to the community!
Firstly, a note: the terms and conditions for the community indicate, among other things, that it is a place for mutual help between users. However, questions about Space applications are usually very specific, so they are better addressed to the Online Support OLS.
However, I will try to answer your questions:
Does it answer your questions?
2024-10-15 6:16 AM
Thank you for the timely response. Regarding the VDD and VSS pins. There are, in fact, 2 VDD1 pins and 2 VDD2 pins. Just to clarify, the 2 VDD1 pins are connected together internally and the 2 VDD2 pins are connected together internally as well? I think you are saying this is the case, which is not surprising, but I just want to confirm.
Thanks again,
Ryan Miller.
2024-10-15 7:26 AM
Sorry, I had mixed something up here.
Yes, there are indeed two separate pins for VDD1, VDD2 and VSS, but I currently have no information that they are connected to each other. As previously mentioned, you should open a ticket in OLS for final confirmation.
The only information to be found in the data sheet is that both voltages VDD1 and VDD2 must be switched to 0 for cold spare use (section 1.1).