2021-02-16 5:30 AM
Hello! The task is to implement a device with two-port Ethernet. To do this, I developed a circuit, connected the STM32F207 controller to the KSZ8863RLLI Ethernet transceiver via RMII. The controller and the transceiver are connected according to the MAC-MAC scheme. The STM used a standard library for working with Ethernet LwIP. Unfortunately, after long tests, it was not possible to get a ping from such a connection scheme. The transceiver was configured using SPI and MIIM. And therefore, I want to ask a few questions:
1. What wiring diagram should be applied between the STM32F207 controller and KSZ8863RLLI? MAC-MAC or PHY-MAC? Does STM32F207 support such a connection? The datasheet does not say anything about such a connection.
2. If the MAC-MAC connection supports, then what settings need to be changed for this principle to work?
2024-12-06 6:51 AM
Have you figured it out?