2019-09-13 9:26 PM
Hello everyone,
I was searching the VL53L1X's Full API and I came across with a function in the "api_calibration" class called " VL53L1_run_spad_rate_map". My question is what quantity does the “SPAD rate�? indicate? And what task does this function exactly do?
Also, one of the arguments for that function is ssc_config_timeout_us which I’m not sure what value I should pick for that.
2019-09-16 8:10 AM
In all the code I have, that function is never called. I'm pretty sure it was left over from our manufacturing tests.
That being said, a SPAD map is a list of all the working SPADs. During this test the Sensor faces a known target and it ranges.
In that code returns is a list of all the trigger rates for each SPAD.
Not all SPAD are created equally. Some are partially occluded. This is why the SPAD count you get from a ranges is a floating point number.
2019-09-16 10:10 AM
Thank you for the explanation. So, is the spad rate a contentious value and does is it depend on the distance of the object in front of it? Or it just shows the state of the SPAD? If it shows the state of the SPAD is it a desecrate value?