2019-09-18 11:49 PM
The typical IOVDD (2V8 mode) and AVDD of the VL53L1X may be 3V3 according the datasheet.
In ST applications (for example the X-NUCLEO-53L1A1) a levelshifter is used to interface the 2V8 powered sensor with the 3V3 powered MCU.
I want to use the VL53L1X in a application with a 3v3 powerd MCU and thus I2c interface pulled up to 3V3. Can I power IOVDD and AVDD of the sensor with a 3V3 supply?
2019-09-19 7:39 AM
You absolutely can run at 3v3. The chip is good at 3v3 and the I2C is too. We centered the power at 2.8 for battery applications, but made the sensor very flexible.
Just take some care not to exceed the max of 3.6 volts.