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VL53L8CX at 60 Hz


I am trying to run a VL53L8CX sensor at the maximum advertized speed. Originally, following the marketing for this chip, I had thought that this was possible at the full 8x8 sensor resolution, but later learned that that has a maximum speed of 15 Hz (strangely, an associate of mine was able to get it to work closer to 20 Hz, but no faster). We need to have the sensor running at 60 Hz, even if at a reduced resolution, but all examples we can find online are below that 20 Hz threshold. Does anyone have any advice for settings and configurations to bring this sensor to maximum speed? For example, beyond cutting the resolution down by 75%, do we also have to use SPI? Are there any important clock speed values that have to be set to some specific maximums?

For reference, I am running the board with an ESP32 S2 Dev Module board.