2021-07-03 3:34 PM
These questions are regarding the VL53L5CX Ultra Light API, VL53L5CX_ULD_API, ver1.0.1.
In platform.h there are several macros for disabling the various sensor outputs.
Eg. #define VL53L5Cx_DISABLE_RANGE_SIGMA_MM. However, I do not find a macro for disabling the motion indicator output, even though in the code I find lines such as
#ifndef VL53L5CX_DISABLE_MOTION_INDICATOR (vl53l5cx.c lines 537,748, 804).
Is this macro definition simply missing from platform.h or should the Motion Indicator output never be disabled?
In the file, vl53l5cx.h this macro is used at line 266, and a similar purposed undefined macro, VL53L5CX_DISABLE_MOTION_DETECTOR appears at line 382.
Is VL53L5CX_DISABLE_MOTION_DETECTOR misnamed, and should it be changed to VL53L5CX_DISABLE_MOTION_INDICATOR?
Dave Sidlauskas
2021-08-18 4:07 PM
please download the latest. We've made some changes.
I think it will fix you right up.
The motion detect was moved to an 'add on' status and it appears we did not do enough regression testing.
2021-09-20 9:29 AM
Hello Sidlauskas.David,
Indeed, it seems that there was a typo issue. It has been corrected using driver version V1.1.1.