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VL53L5CX - access to the ranging histogram

Associate II


Is it possible to access the ranging histogram from the zones in the VL53L5.

There is a great deal of important information in the histogram which can help enable more powerful applications than just returning peak values.

Currently, it does not appear that the API enables access to this.

Is it possible for customers to alter the firmware on the device to support this or any other way?


ST Employee

Yes you can. There is a function. GetExtraInformation - or something like that that - will return the histogram data.

The data is already uploaded when you get the range so extracting the histogram is pulling it out of the data structure.

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Associate II

Brilliant. I will take a look.



Associate II

Can't seem to find anything in the ultra lite driver api?

Is there another driver for VL53L5CX than the ultra lite driver?


ST Employee

This is my mistake. When you asked about the histograms, I jumped to a conclusion that you were talking about an L1 or an L3. Both those sensors process the data on the host and the histogram data is uploaded. (Sorry about not reading the title of the post.)

But the L5 works differently. It has way more histogram bins. And it has way more zones. There is no way to upload the raw histogram data and maintain any kind of framerate. So we didn't even try to give that access. 64 zones times 100+ histogram bins becomes impossible bandwidth-wise.

  • john

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Associate II

0693W00000HpxrWQAR.png@John E KVAM​ Hi,

I saw in a video (See the screenshot above) that the distance of target is extracted by assuming a normal distribution, so i am thinking is it possible to recover the histogram approximately from recevied values? As in L5 we cannot access histogram data directly, this maybe useful.

Do the received range sigma means the sigma of that normal distribution?