2018-09-05 12:39 AM
I made a PCB with 7 VL53L1x, that I soldered by myself. I'm using the ST VL53L1 API.
6 of them are working great, but the # 7 return error -13 : VL53L1_ERROR_CONTROL_INTERFACE, referenced in vl53l1_errror_codes.h as :
"/*!< error reported from IO functions */"
Everything works until I start VL53L1_StartMeasurement() which returns no error.
After that, when I try to get any values, (with VL53L1_GetMeasurementDataReady(Dev1, &measure) for example) It returns error = -13.
I changed this sensor with a new one and still get the same error.
Do you have any idea to get this solved? Or to disable IO functions? I didn't find anything in the manual.
Thanks a lot,
2018-09-05 8:20 AM
Ok I know what was the problem.
When the supply is not correctly connected, I2C works but you can't make any measure.
Hope it will help.
2019-01-07 1:25 AM
Hi Trilys,
you can validate your I2C Interface over 3 registers mentioned by L1 Datasheet, 4.2, p. 22. Which I2C Resistors are you using? Are there any other I2C devices on the same I2C bus?
2019-01-14 12:03 AM
It works for 1 or 2 minutes after a fresh reset, then send me this error.
I'm using 5.9kOhms pull-up (with power 3.3V) on SDA and SCL.
There is only VL53 on the same I2C bus.
I can change address, try to work with them, then after a delay, they send VL53L1_ERROR_CONTROL_INTERFACE.
Thanks for help
2019-01-14 3:08 AM
Hi Trilys,
you mentioned that you have min. 7 Sensors " but the # 7 return error ". With 10 pF capacitance for each SDA IO Pin, L1 Datasheet, 4.1, Table 10, you will get 7*10 pF of parallel connected modules. Together with 5.9 kOhm Resistance it builds an lowpass so that you will get the rise time about 0.8473 * R * C = 350 ns. If there is no error in datasheet 4.1, Table 10, the maximal rise time tr < 120 ns. And if there is an error in datasheet, then the maximal tr in I2C specs is 300 ns. see UM10204, Table 10, p. 48 -> tr rise time for Fast-Mode (400k). In both cases the signal is to slow. I think you need different resistance depending on the number of modules.
2019-04-08 4:33 PM
When the lasers turn on, the chip draws a lot more power (up to 20mA). So it could well be that everything works until you say 'start'.
It was a good catch. Well done.