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VL53L1X Setting up roi on the raspberry pi

OEl D.414

Hey there,

I just got the sensor working on my raspberry using the library I found online. The sensor can now measure the distance.

Now for my schoolproject I need to setup 2 roi regions on the VL53L1x. I have searched the internet and cant find anything how to do this on a raspberry.

Is someone here familiar with the pi, the VL53L1x and the setup of an roi. I need an example code of how to setup these roi’s to count people like ST did in their youtube video

Thx in advance!

ST Employee

There is a manual - UM2555. Go back to and search for it.

Unfortuantely it is pointed exactly to the UltraLite Driver for the VL53L1X, but the basic information still applies to the other drivers.

(it's just the functions operate differently.)

But give it a read. It will answer all your questions.

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