2024-10-24 3:35 AM
Hi there,
We want to use the VL53L4CX ToF sensor and I want to build the out of tree kernel module for the STSW-IMG031 (here) via Yocto recipe. Are the sources hosted anywhere on Github or elsewhere so I can clone the repo directly via Yocto rather than having to download the sources and add it to a private Github?
I've seen this SVN link on one of the docs in the driver package but could not access it via subversion - has the repo moved?
svn checkout http://codex.cro.st.com/svnroot/ewokp25/LinuxDriver/tags/l3cx_release_1.0.3
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'http://codex.cro.st.com/svnroot/ewokp25/LinuxDriver/tags/l3cx_release_1.0.3'
svn: E670002: Name or service not known
2024-10-24 6:12 AM
The svn repo mentionned above is an internal release and should not appear in there.
We will clean it.
Regarding git, the linux driver is not yet available under any GitHub. Sorry for that.